tirsdag den 31. maj 2011

Summer 2011. Now that you're here, would you stay forever?

I'm fucking loving the idea of a three-days school week and four-days weekend. I'm fucking loving the fact that it's more than 25 degrees, and I can go to the beach with my friends tonight. And I'm loving that in less than a month, it's summerbreak. Six and a half week without school, teachers and homework. I'm going to Berlin, which it's a city I've never visited before, and I'm so exited. 

Do you have any must-sees in Berlin or just great tips? And what are you doing this summer?


onsdag den 25. maj 2011

Tell us, what do you want to see?

We've asked this a couple of times before, but always in posts that are really about something else, and then the attention goes there. So time for a post all about this:
What do you want to see more of on the blog?

Your opinion means a lot, since you're the ones to read it, when all comes to all. So please, time  to come with ideas, sweet readers!

xx. FF

På et tidspunkt, da vi havde været til lagersalg, fik vi en kommentar om, at vi skulle skrive når der var lagersalg osv.

Derfor vil vi bare informere jer om at Samsøe samsøe holder kollektionssalg i dag (lidt forsent nu, og kun for V.I.P's) I morgen (hvor vi tager derind) og på Fredag.

Det afholdes på denne adresse:

Baltikavej 24, 2100 københavn Ø

Og åbningstiderne er:

Torsdag d. 26/5 kl. 14-20
Fredag d. 27/5 kl. 14-19

I kan læse mere om det her.

Be there.

xx FF/Jose

mandag den 23. maj 2011

N to the ICE.

And the winner is...

Så blev det mandag, og vi skal finde en vinder af vores lille giveaway. Vi sætter pris på interessen og lover at der kommer mange flere i fremtiden. Men altså, der er jo kun en vinder og det er så Anna Dinesen (som kan findes her), der vandt. Tillykke! Skriv til os på vores mail og så skriver vi tilbage til dig hurtigst muligt. 

Not that it's so important, but here we go on english. We found a winner of our little giveaway, and are looking forward to do some more, international as well.

xx. FF

lørdag den 21. maj 2011

Creepy, but in an awesome way.

Husk at deltage i Giveawayen her!

What's up.
I'm Rieenanayquikaytanay!! What's your name?

Love Jose.

tirsdag den 17. maj 2011


We thought it was about time to give our readers a treat. So we decided to do a giveaway. This one goes out to our danish readers, since the price is pretty much worth nothing, if you're not in CPH, at the moment. But we promise, that there'll be plenty of giveaways in the future, for everyone!

Så, nu kører vi den så på dansk. Her i vores lille Giveaway er præmien følgende: To billetter til Outlet Messe i Valbyhallen, den 28 0g 29 Maj. Billeterne har en værdi af 250 dkk. Vi har fået seks billetter, og der er kun én der vinder begge billetter (eftersom vi tænker det ville være nederen hvis man er alene afsted). 

Sådan her deltager i, i konkurrencen:

Bliv fast læser og skriv derefter en kommentar (á la: "Jeg deltager..."), i kommentarfeltet, så vi ved i deltager. Jer der allerede er faste læsere skal selvfølgelig ikke snydes for chancen, så i skriver bare en kommentar. Vinderen trækkes mandag og vinderen får dette af vide samme dag og bliver publiceret på bloggen.

Held og lykke!

xx. FF

(vi havde det ret sjovt, da vi skulle tage giveaway-billeder... :))

søndag den 15. maj 2011

Coming and going

I hate when the weather is like this. Rain then sunshine then rain then sunshine. It's a little confusing to me. Hope that the sun soon will shine all day long! It would be a wish come true.

xx Vera

søndag den 8. maj 2011

S to the ummer.

Lovely sunday. Very chill, though. Haven't really been doing anything, but enjoying the sun (yes, I know, there has been a lot of weather-wise posts lately, but it's fab!) and loading for school-camp, tomorrow, with our class and our parallel class (can you even say that?). We're going to be there for five days, so there probably won't be any blogging, in that period. Anyways, it takes a ten-hour train to get there, bur it'll be great fun during the trip, I think. 

What are you up to lately?

xx. Johanne.

This video reminds me of summer and love.

tirsdag den 3. maj 2011

Dagens look

Dress Stine Goya x Weekday Shoes New Balance 420 Sunglasses Vintage.

xx FF

mandag den 2. maj 2011


Happy Monday.
Happy because i'm going to london in 3 days, happy because i went to a really lovely concert last friday, happy because the sun is shining, happy because i've got salary, happy because i'm going on a shopping-trip with Johanne tomorrow, happy because i've bought a Stine Goya dress, happy because i've got some memory cards from my uncle, happy because i've made many people smile today, happy because i'm in love, happy because i know so many really sweet people, happy because Osama bin laden is dead, happy because we've got 67 followers, happy because my mom is smiling, happy because my cat is cute, happy because i don't have been to school, happy because there's strawberry cake in my fridge, happy because my camera is fully charged, happy because I met Vera in the store, where i was working today and happy because i have growing pains.

Are you happy today? tell me about your day.

x jose.

New in: Sunnies.

free graphic for myspace
Found some sunglasses. Or at least some temporary. They were only 60 dkk,(about 12 dollars), and from Gina Tricot. 

xx. Johanne.


What are you going to do today?

x jose.