The winner of our giveaway is Emilie! Congratulations, send us an e-mail, and we'll give you further information. Sorry we were a bit late!
mandag den 27. februar 2012
lørdag den 25. februar 2012
And then it came. We had been waiting for this sooooo long!! And we can tell you that it was amazing!! She is so great live! She really knows how to feel the songs and the rhythm. I tried to tape it on my phone but it was a little difficult.
xx FF
fredag den 10. februar 2012
Just got our winter-break, from school. And my, oh my, does it feel nice! There's nothing like the feeling when you just got your break, and you just feel liberated for more than just saturday and sunday. Looking forward to lots of things, among others a party we're going to, tomorrow, and, of course, the long-time awaited Little Dragon concert on tuesday. Gosh, it'll be so great!
What's your plans at the moment? Or do you have anything else on your mind?
And remember to join our giveaway right here. It expires in two days!

What's your plans at the moment? Or do you have anything else on your mind?
And remember to join our giveaway right here. It expires in two days!

How I just can't wait to experience this live.
Fourteen's fashion elsker,
On our mind,
tirsdag den 7. februar 2012
Henrik Vibskov AW12
Here is some of my favorits:
xx FF
mandag den 6. februar 2012
Copenhagen Fashion week is over
Now fashion week in Copenhagen is over and i thought that i would tell you what i've done in the week. All four of os went to Gallery in Forum and it was pretty amazing! As always there was ALOT of people. Had some favorites of course. Mine (vera) was Stine Goya and Henrik Vibskov. Here is some pictures from Gallery.
søndag den 5. februar 2012
So this is our current obsession. Also known as Andreas Wijk. But who can blame us? Just look at him, listen to him, look at him... oh god. Check out his amazing blog here. Tell us: who is your eyecandy?Oh, and we have some Fashion week-posts coming up! And remember to join our giveaway, right here.
xx. FF.
xx. FF.
Kind of 'blurry from behind'-kind of photo, from when we spotted him in Copenhagen, a couple of days ago. Even better in real life.
Fourteen's fashion elsker,
On our mind,
onsdag den 1. februar 2012
Time for another giveaway
I anledning af, at vi har rundet 100 followers, er det tid til et giveaway på bloggen - denne gang er det et earcuff fra stars by P.
Bliv fast læser på bloggen og skriv en kommentar (á la "Jeg deltager...") Jer der allerede er fast læser, skriver bare en kommentar.
Hvis i vil have en ekstra chance for at vinde, kan i lave et indlæg om dette på jeres egen blog. vinderen trækkes om 3 uger (dvs. Onsdag d. 22 februar) og vil få besked via mail og på vil blive publiceret på bloggen.
xx FF
Bliv fast læser på bloggen og skriv en kommentar (á la "Jeg deltager...") Jer der allerede er fast læser, skriver bare en kommentar.
Hvis i vil have en ekstra chance for at vinde, kan i lave et indlæg om dette på jeres egen blog. vinderen trækkes om 3 uger (dvs. Onsdag d. 22 februar) og vil få besked via mail og på vil blive publiceret på bloggen.
xx FF
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