A few days ago, i went to Dalle Valle (a café in copenhagen) with Johanne and Vera. I can definitely recommend it, and the price was only 69 DKK.
Afterwards we went home to Ida, with some other sweets, and went to the cinema to see "the hangover" part 2.
in the absence of better i made this post.
What have you done today?
5 kommentarer:
Skøn blog! :)
thank you for your sweet comment :)
we are also following you!
Dalle Valle er rigtig lækkert! Men synes det er en smule dyrt ;)
Hej vera er nu blevet fast følger af jeres blog, super fed..! Håber du vil kigge forbi mig og mine veninders blog :) god tur til Paris, vi ses snart. Hilsen camille ;)
Ups glemte lige at linke den: www.thenotebookblogspot.blogspot.com
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